Other phase II NIBB
Algae Research Centres
Algaetech, the Czech Academy of Sciences:

Culture collections
- Algobank Caen at the University of Caen Basse-Normandie
- Australian National Algae Culture Collection at CSIRO
- BCCM/DCG Diatoms Collection (Belgian Co-ordinated Collections of Microoganisms)
- Canadian Phycological Culture Centre (CPCC) at the University of Waterloo
- Cawthron Institute Culture Collection of Micro-algae (CICCM), New Zealand
- Coimbra Collection of Algae at the University of Coimbra in Portugal
- Culture Collection of Algae and Protozoa (CCAP)
- Culture Collection of Algae at Goettingen University (SAG)
- Culture Collection of Algae at the University of Cologne (CCAC)
- Culture Collection of Algae at The University of Texas at Austin (UTEX)
- Culture Collection of Algae of Charles University in Prague (CAUP)
- Culture Collection of Autotrophic Organisms (CCALA)
- Freshwater Algae Culture Collection (FACHB), Institute of Hydrobiology, Wuhan, China
- Marine Biological Association Culture Collection of Marine Algae (available to MBA members and collaborating researchers)
- National Center for Marine Algae and Microbiota (NCMA) in Maine, USA
- Pasteur Culture collection of Cyanobacteria (PCC)
- Roscoff Culture Collection (marine microalgae)
- Scandinavian Culture Collection of Algae and Protozoa at the University of Copenhagen
- Thailand Institute of Scientific and Technological Research Culture Collection (TISTR)
Other useful sites:
- Algal Information Network: developed by EnAlgae to support the development of the algae sector in Europe by improving the cooperation of market forces, research organisations, policy and decision makers http://www.algae-network.eu/cms/
- Algae Industry Magazine:
- http://www.algaeindustrymagazine.com/
- Algal Innovation Centre Cambridge: will address the requirement for scale-up and pilot facilities to enable translation of fundamental research and showcase technologies
http://www.bioenergy.cam.ac.uk/abc-directory/algal-innovation-centre-cambridge - AlgaeVision: a collection of images of freshwater and terrestrial algae of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland
http://www.nhm.ac.uk/research-curation/scientific-resources/biodiversity/uk-biodiversity/algaevision/index.html - Algae World: focuses on algae as part of the research and teaching programmes at the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh
http://rbg-web2.rbge.org.uk/algae/ - Algae World News: provides algae news and information from around the world.
http://news.algaeworld.org/ - BISIGODOS: a project funded by the EU Seventh Framework Programme, addresses production of valuable algae derived chemicals, amino acids and high added-value bio-resins from algae biomass fed with CO2 from industrial emissions
http://www.bisigodos.eu/ - British Phycological Society: publishes the European Journal of Phycology, provides funding for students and others to attend meetings and organises annual meeting and field courses
http://www.brphycsoc.org/index.lasso - Centre for Ecology and Hydrology: has created a coded list of freshwater algae of the British Isles
http://www.ceh.ac.uk/data/algae/algae_index.html - Chlamydomonas Resource Center: for strains, molecular reagents and kits for research on Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
http://chlamycollection.org/ - EnhanceMicroalgae Marketplace: High Added-Value Industrial Opportunities For Microalgae in Atlantic Area
- http://emamarket.anfaco.es/gb/
- Federation of European Phycological Societies: includes the national Phycological Societies/Algal Groups of Belgium, Croatia, Czech, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Macedonia (FYROM), The Netherlands, Poland, Spain and the UK
http://www.feps-algae.org/index.php - GENIALG My Seaweed Looks Weird: A Web Portal to Report Diseased Algae:
- https://genialgproject.eu/my-seaweed-looks-weird-web-portal/
- Industrial Biotechnology Special Interest Group:
- https://ktn-uk.co.uk/interests/industrial-biotechnology
- Innovate UK (formerly Technology Strategy Board):
- https://www.innovateuk.org/
- International Phycological Society: dedicated to the development of phycology and international cooperation among phycologists and phycological organizations
http://www.intphycsoc.org/index.php - International Society for Applied Phycology: a non-profit organisation promoting research, preservation of algal genotypes, and the dissemination of knowledge concerning the utilisation of algae
http://www.appliedphycologysoc.org/default.php - KTN:
https://connect.innovateuk.org/web/biosciencesktn - NNFCC:
http://www.nnfcc.co.uk/ - Phyconomy: an information portal for the global seaweed industry
- https://phyconomy.net/
- Seaweed for Europe Coalition:
- https://www.seaweedeurope.com/
- Safe Seaweed Coalition:
- https://www.safeseaweedcoalition.org/