We are currently working with partners to establish some learning resources for schools. In the meantime, you might find the following sites useful for your school projects:
Biological Fuel Cells: https://www.fuelcellstore.com/blog-section/biological-fuel-cells-and-the-bio-production-of-hydrogen
Photosynthesis kit: http://www.ncbe.reading.ac.uk/MATERIALS/Plant%20science/photosynkit.html
US-based algae kit supplier (will ship to UK): https://algaeresearchsupply.com/

AlgaTalk Podcast
Here you will find a series of podcasts on algae by Jack and Ivan – two algae enthusiasts working in the algae industry. AlgaTalk is their show about all things algae, and they created it because they wanted to share thei passion and help others discover the wonders of algae.
You can find the Algtalk website here: https://www.algatalk.com/